A typical mixture for weaker and dry soils with a significant gradient. We recommend this mixture, just as SKARPA I, for sowing on escarpments, hillsides, heaps, waste dumps and other places, which need to be secured against wind and water erosion.


The composition of SKARPOWA II is based on three main components, i.e. perennial ryegrass, red fescue (two botanical forms) and tall fescue. The perennial ryegrass, as a fast germinating and early developing species, ensures rapid emergence and fast development in the initial growth stage. The fescues, due to their high draught tolerance, increase durability and longevity of the turf. The deep root system of tall fescue guarantees a strong sod and secures slopes of any gradient.


The mixture comes in

  • 5kg and 20kg paper bags.


The composition
Lolium parenne Stadion/Bokser 30%
Festuca rubra Oliwia/Wilma 10%
Festuca rubra Areta 20%
Festuca arundinacea Asterix/Starlet 40%